My Night

The day started slow, and the weather was getting hotter and hotter, as I sat working on few of my projects.

Good thing is I logged online to give a supporting hand to others, with the limited knowledge of mine, as my friend was online, and a chat started, while I was working on figuring out how to do certain things in my program.

The last time my friend and I went together, was not one of our best nights. Neither of us moved the right move, or think in our usual state. And it resulted some space between us.

Part of it is my fault, to expect my friend to be there, and support me, while I am going through one of the toughest situations in my humble life..

Yes, the death of my beloved aunt recently is not easy, and neither the death of my beloved mother, forty days before her, may The Lord have mercy on their souls. However I'm known to have the courage to stand and shine, because God The Almighty bestowed on me in countless ways, and more guidance from God is what I need.

Sure, my people are suffering so much, and I cannot do a thing nor say a thing without the probability of being jailed, for demanding jobs for the original people of this country, etc...

True, that I also have problems of my own, emotionally, mentally, and physically. I'm not ashamed of what I am, nor am the type of person to complain, so if you think/feel as if I was, then please work on overcoming this mis-communication with me.

I do that; mis-communicate. And I learn from experience, tad slower than the average, which I'm coming to accept. And I do have supporting friends, even if they don't know how to support me, nor do I kinda.

It is not fair of me to ask one what they cannot give. It's sorta like giving money to rich person who wouldn't take it. The problem with me is deep and rooted in unpleasant grounds.. grounds where them 'normal' people would not dare touching.

And how can one have problem communicating, and yet asked to explain his problem? People can swear that my communication skills are outstanding, though why do I not feel nor agree that it is so? Why did I have it many times written, just how much I suck in communicating, with low grades written in numbers, in order for it to make sense in my brain?

Plus, how would a plant be if never given water or caring? If we leave a little plant without water or sun, for many many years, can we expect it to just grow? And if we give it some nurturing then, must it grow?

On the other hand, it was effortless to create a night to remember for my friend. To give others a time of your day and a time of your life, is worth it. It is worth it to see your friend open up to life, and appreciating living.

Taking breathe after another, to pump life in their hearts and to feel for others, as if we were in their shoes, and their problems are ours.. Caring with interest in their hopes and goals as well as being best listening ears, and not just hearing. And then, using your energy to do what's best in helpful manner.

Doing beautiful things is part of, if not all that what makes a person beautiful, and one's beauty deserves to be recognized in my humble opinion. Therefore why not do something good to someone you know? Or someone you don't know??


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